Welcome to Your STEM Community
Discover other STEM eduction professionals, organizations, and events on our MINTvernetzt community platform and find inspiration for your work.
Shaping education together
The nationwide STEM community thrives on exchanging ideas, sharing knowledge, and learning from one another. On our community platform, you can connect with each other and with organizations, find inspiration, and locateexperts on specific topics in your area.
How our community grows
Become part of our constantly growing STEM community.
Your feature requests for platform development in roadmap view.
Networking feature
The networking feature allows you to connect with other professionals or organizations and categorize your contacts into lists.
Matching feature
An algorithm suggests suitable projects, organizations, and professionals for you..
Create your own events
As a STEM actor, you can create your own events and manage the participants.
You can react to existing content such as projects or posts via interactions (such as liking or commenting).
MINT-Campus connection
See who is creating courses, which courses are being taken by others and show which courses you have completed.
In development
Visualize Networks
We aim at showing the diverse connections and networks within our community. You can present your own network and discover other network structures, such as STEM clusters, STEM regions, fablabs etc.
STEM sharepic and image database
The Sharepic Generator helps you quickly and easily create graphics for e.g. your social media posts. You can find STEM images in the image database.
Funding tool
A web crawler gathers STEM funding opportunities and presents them to you on the platform.
Already implemented
Add yourself to organizations
You can add yourself to an organization and no longer have to have a team member add you.
In this FAQ list, we collect frequently asked questions and answers about the community platform which provide you with further information about using the platform.
The dashboard provides an overview of all platform functions at a glance and keeps you informed about the latest news after logging in.
Filter function
With the filter, you can search profiles, organizations, events, or projects based on specific criteria.
All community members can share their experiences from insightful and successful projects, providing valuable information for learning and inspiration. This includes downloadable materials, details on project setups, and funding information.
Language setting: English
With the extended language setting, we enable a broader group of professionals to effectively use the community platform.
Browse for suitable MINTvernetzt events, register and see who has also registered for the event.
Profile & organization profile
You introduce yourself to the STEM community using your profile and by creating your organization with its team members.
You can use the search function to search for profiles, organizations, events, projects and keywords.
In order to be able to easily switch between the two offers MINTvernetzt and MINT-Campus, there is the MINT-ID, with which you can use both platforms (single sign-in).
Do you have an idea for a feature that you need on the platform?
Submit it to us!
Learn more
The MINTvernetzt community platform is a project launched in 2021 to sustainably strengthen the STEM community across Germany. Learn more about MINTvernetzt's initiatives, the service and support centre for STEM professionals, on our website.
Questions and answers
STEM stands for science, technology, engineering, mathematics. These fields form the foundation for numerous technological innovations and scientific discoveries. The term “STEM” includes the integration of various disciplines such as Art, Design, Music, the Environment, as well as societal or social issues. For example, if an artistic field is included, STEM is extended to STEAM, where the “A” stands for “Art”.
Our platform is aimed at stakeholders in STEM education, including:
- Providers of STEM education programs
- Employees of extracurricular STEM learning locations
- Coordinators of regional STEM networks, STEM clusters or STEM projects
- Advocates for women in STEM professions
- Volunteers in the STEM field
- Employees from business and industry who focus on STEM, girls and gender
- Project developers and funders seeking STEM education providers, role models and projects
- Anyone interested in STEM
The nationwide STEM community thrives on exchanging ideas, sharing knowledge and learning from one another. On the community platform, you can connect with others and organizations to find inspiration or experts on specific topics in your area. A wide range of functions and opportunities await you on the platform:
- The STEM world in one place: Find stakeholders, initiatives, projects and events.
- Make STEM projects visible: Showcase your projects and learn from others.
- Register for upcoming events or browse through events you have already attended: Find other interested parties among participants and download presentations.
- Utilize advanced filter and search functions: Search specifically for skills, target groups, regions or topics.
- Quick answers: Browse the FAQ page with commonly asked questions and answers about the community platform.
- Contribute ideas: Propose new functions or ideas to enhance the platform.
Upcoming functions:
- Your events for the STEM community: Share your events with STEM stakeholders.
- Strengthen your social presence: Use our graphic design beginner's tool and the STEM-related media database in the future.
- Discover funding opportunities: Soon, try our fundraising crawler, which searches selected existing funding databases and displays suitable STEM funding on our platform.
- Targeted networking: Benefit from a future matching system that suggests suitable people, projects or initiatives based on interests.
Yes, the platform is available free of charge.
We aim to make many functions freely accessible so that you can view content easily. However, not all content is visible when you are not logged in, so we recommend registering. Additionally, profiles, organizations and projects can only be created after registration. You can also only register for events once you have created a profile. Other STEM stakeholders will only be able to find you if you can be found via your profile.
With the MINT-ID, you can register for the MINTvernetzt community platform and the MINT-Campus at the same time. You only need to register once to access all features and offers of both platforms. The MINT Campus is the digital learning platform for the MINT community with freely accessible materials and learning opportunities for educational and project work.
The MINT-ID saves you time during registration and allows you to switch easily between the two platforms. You can continue using your MINTvernetzt account without a MINT-ID.
You can find more information about the MINT-ID here: https://mintcampus.org/mint-id/
Can't find an answer to your question?
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